Raise your banners, women. We are marching on Washington – and the streets of Sarasota, St. Petersburg and beyond. We will not allow anyone – and you know who you are – to define who we are. We are picking up the mantle from our foremothers and we are going to change the present so hopefully our daughters will not have to keep fighting for the “right to be.” Just when we thought things could not get any stranger, and get more twisted into a political dystopian darkness, indeed they are. But we as women have no doubt that we must fight for our rights.
Did you hear Senator Leahy Tuesday question Jeff Sessions and force him to admit that grabbing a woman’s genitals is sexual assault? That he would go against President Trump if necessary? We are dealing basics here – and we are going to have to fight and fight hard. That is why we will devote this show to the march. We will talk with local women involved in planning the march: AMY WEINTRAUB and SUSANNE BENTON from St. Pete/Pinellas; MARINA WELCH from Hillsborough; CATHY BRYANT and DR. DIANNE PERRY FROM Sarasota and EMMA COLLUM, a South Florida attorney, Administrator for the Florida Chapter of the Women March on Washington.
With all the talk about the Russian connections, do you remember when we talked with KENNETH F. McCALLION, author of The Essential Guide to Donald Trump? He has an excellent chapter on the Russian connection. He does not discuss cyber stalking, he discusses business connections. You can listen to the interview on the archives, 11/3/16.
Tune in at 10 AM Thursday to hear more. Catch us on the archives (http://www.wmnf.org/events/womens-show/) if you miss the show Thursday. Contact us during the show at dj@wmnf.org or call 813-239-9663. You can also text us at 813-433-0885.
Peace and love to all,
Mary and Arlene
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