Summer Youth Music Festival


Cordero Music and Project No Labels present the Summer Youth Music Festival, a Youth Musical Showcase, at the Factory in St. Petersburg on June 29th from 10 am – 10 pm 

The festival will hosts 45 bands, all of youth aged musicians from 14-20 years old, in multiple genres ranging from rock to indie to hip hop to disco funk to singer songwriter. The festival is also hosting 30 different vendors with food and merchandise.

Musicians perform for 45 minutes on a professional stage with pro sound and lighting.

“It is so important for our youth to feel like they are supported by our community. Creating performance opportunities like this help young musicians
feel supported and encourages them to continue to pursue their passion. It also helps build stronger culture within the community,” says Cordero Music
owner and founder, Holly Cordero.

Cordero Music is dedicated to destroying barriers to entry – socio-economic standing, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or physical ability – in the music industry by providing youth musicians with sponsored music lessons, quality musical instruments, and performance showcases for industry officials.

For more information, reach out to Media Contact Holly Cordero at (347) 654-8491 or [email protected] or for tickets, click here.

Event location: The Factory, 2606 Fairfield Ave S., St Petersburg.


  •  June 29, 2024
     10:00 am - 10:00 pm

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