Jazzy Junk Parking Lot Sale


Introducing Jazzy Junk!
Think of this fun event as your friendly neighborhood yard sale but with a huge variety of great items, all for a good cause. Enjoy the day, shop around and find your new favorite thingamajig while supporting the expanding medical and mental health programs for uninsured families provided by the Clearwater Free Clinic.
Food truck on-site and refreshments will be available.
Jazzy Junk Parking Lot Sale is a community event and all are welcome!
All proceeds to benefit the Clearwater Free Clinic.
Visit www.clearwaterfreeclinic.org to learn more about our mission.
Call (727) 443-3504 for more information about Jazzy Junk and all other events.

Event Location:

1218 Court Street
Clearwater, FL 33756

  •  June 22, 2019
     10:00 am - 3:00 pm

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