Florida Dreams Amid the Storms with Dr. Gary Mormino


Florida Dreams Amid the Storms/Speaker: Dr. Gary Mormino, author, historian

The idea of the Florida Dream first emerged during the Roaring Twenties and reemerged after World War II and holds that there is something remarkable about a place sitting astride two great bodies of water, a place that promises not only a better February but a better life. The dream was fulfilled.

On the eve of Pearl Harbor, Florida was the smallest state in the American South. Today, Florida is the third largest state in the Union. Is the Florida dream fading?

About the Speaker, Dr. Mormino:

Two decades ago, Mormino began to research a social history of modern Florida. A prolific writer, he is the author of a wide range of award-winning, academic and popular books.

In 2003 the Florida Humanities Council named him its first Humanist of the Year. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings. This belief is evident in every word of Dr. Mormino’s writing and is amplified in his speaking which is warm and engaging.

For more information visit https://www.clearwaterhistoricalsociety.org/ or call 727.754.8019

Event Location: The Clearwater Historical Society, 610 S Ft Harrison Ave., Clearwater, FL 33755

  •  November 13, 2024
     6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

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