We were a wee bit tardy in honoring our stellar WMNF Volunteers for 2018/2019, but a party was held on 8/18/19 at the Allendale United Methodist Church.
WMNF wishes to thank these sponsors & partners for their generous contributions to this event and many other station functions: The Hub Bar donated the adult beverages, RED MESA Restaurant Family (The original 4th Street location, downtown Cantina & Mercado, who made the food for the party), Harvey’s 4th Street Grill, Craft Kafé, Cider Press Café… Carole Shelton, Barbara Lewis, Bert Shelor & Patti Marsters, who made the centerpieces, everyone who prepared and brought a sweet treat to share… And the helpers who set up, picked up and served food & beverages, and cleaned up ~ You ROCK!
We especially wish to extend our sincere appreciation to Beth Jones, Chris Fulmer & Pastor Andy Oliver from the Allendale United Methodist Church for allowing us to hold this party in your Family Life Center. You are truly “WMNFers” at heart…!!
We couldn’t be here without the plethora of people who host music shows and create news programming, assist programmers, run the studio boards, engineer live music, film and video stream programs, transcribe content for the website, prepare or pick up food and volunteer at Marathons and in our library, assist the Administrative and Operations staff, (especially the “Green Team” garden crew), serve on our Board of Directors, Volunteer Committee and other committees, run our Development events and benefit concerts, help at outreach events in the community, tell friends and family about WMNF…Not to mention listening, donating money and giving feedback to the DJs! The list is amazing when you really think about all it takes to keep our station strong and vital. It truly boils down to you and You and YOU… Thanks so much!
Lifetime Achievement Award – Rev Pat Hauser
Nathan B Stubblefield Foundation Award presented by the WMNF Board of Directors – Lauren Adriaansen
New Volunteer of the Year (2019) – Carol Arenas
Volunteer of the Year (2018) – Frank Knox
Programmers of the Year (2018) – Linda Reisinger & Laurie Berlin, the LuLus
New Programmer of the Year (2019) – Joy Katzen-Guthrie
Overnight Programmer of the Year (2018) – Ira Hankin
News & Public Affairs Volunteer of the Year (2018) – Blannie Whelan
New News & Public Affairs Programmer of the Year (2018) – Tanja Vidovic
Operations Volunteer Appreciation – Bill Grace
The Dave Roosa Special Events Volunteers of the Year (2018) – Jan Simpson & Bill Brehm
Raffle Supervisor of the Year (2018) – Darlene Bunch
Administrative Volunteer Appreciation – Charlie Cushing & JoAnna Kellogg
Vicki Santa Development Award – Susan Sampson
Membership Volunteer of the Year (2018) – Jim Drain
Desk Volunteers – Deborah LeMonde, Gabrielle Ayala, Anne Haywood, Doug Guido & Steve Burkett
Special Appreciation to JoEllen Schilke, for being the Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator for 7+ (nearly 8) years and still serving the Tampa Bay Arts Community with her long-running Friday 1pm – 2pm show, Art In Your Ear!!
Here are some pictures! Peace and Love, Miss Julie.

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