WMNF All Station Meeting 4/14 at 8pm, to announce tentative program changes


We have exciting news to share! We officially have a date for our next All Station Zoom meeting: April 14th at 8pm.

In this meeting, we’ll present our tentative new program schedule, as well as give details about the application process for programmers and those interested in our airwaves.  HERE’S THE LINK (Your device must have Zoom installed):

This is the Tentative Program Change meeting, tonight:

Topic: All Station WMNF Meeting on 21-22 Schedule
Time: Apr 14, 2021 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 9964 4423
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Meeting ID: 820 9964 4423
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcgHPtiqUU

We’re really looking forward to finally showing you what we’ve been working on these past few months, as well as provide the thought process behind it. We think everyone will have a role to play in bringing WMNF into a new era, and we’re one step closer to making that a reality!

Talk to you all then, if not sooner!
Thank you,

Sam Hval
Program Director
WMNF 88.5FM, WMNF.org
Tampa, FL
Direct Line: 813-678-2001
Office Line: 813-238-8001

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