Robin Lockett, director for the Tampa Bay region for Florida Rising, joined WaveMakers on July 5 to talk about affordable housing and racial and economic justice.
Florida Rising is a grassroots organization that advocates for economic and racial equity throughout the state. The group’s website states that they “organize multi-racial movements to win elections, change laws, and create a state where everyone can be safe, happy, healthy and whole.” Top priorities for Florida Rising include climate justice, housing justice, gender and reproductive justice and expanding democracy by encouraging more people to vote.
In PInellas County, recent efforts included advocating for the residents of St. Petersburg Childs Park, where a noxious odor has plagued the African American community for decades. The city of St. Petersburg is now monitoring the smell and researching health effects.
In Hillsborough County, Florida Rising is focusing on affordable housing. They’re calling for rent stabilization, a registry of complaints about landlords, and expanding tenants’ rights so they have a 120-day notice of rent increases.
For more information, go to Florida Rising’s website: https://floridarising.org/
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