

Sign about Nestle water grab in Florida

Florida springs supporters will protest what they call “Nestlé Water Grab”

This Friday in North Florida, supporters of Florida’s springs and rivers will rally to oppose a permit renewal to allow the international company Nestlé to take more than a million gallons of water a day...

Water activist opposes Nestlé’s plan to bottle 1 million gallons a day from Florida springs

Nestlé wants to take more than one million gallons of water a day from Florida springs near Ginnie Springs and the Santa Fe River; the giant multinational corporation plans to put the water into plastic...

“Rally to Protect Florida’s Water” in Bradenton

On Tuesday Governor Ron DeSantis unveiled a budget recommendation that includes $625 million to protect water resources and restore the Everglades. But there’s no guarantee the state Legislature will pass a budget that reflects an...
anti-fracking sign

Ron DeSantis directs Florida DEP to oppose fracking and off-shore drilling

Florida’s new governor, Ron DeSantis, announced several changes to water policy today. In an executive order, DeSantis made moves to ban hydraulic fracturing (fracking), dedicate money to Everglades restoration, fight algae blooms, appoint a Chief...

From the Beaches to the Springs How Do We Protect Florida’s Waters?

From the beaches to the springs to the pristine underground aquifer to the Everglades and the rivers— Florida’s waters are like nowhere else on earth. Two of Florida’s most knowledgeable people about the state of...
Clean Water Rule

Wetlands scientists support states’ lawsuit to save Clean Water Rule

Several states are suing the federal Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for putting on hold an Obama-era rule to protect wetlands and waterways. And this month an organization of wetlands...
Hilsborough County Commission meeting about rezoning at a shooting range

No decision yet on noisy shooting range’s request for rezoning

Residents of rural northwest Hillsborough County will have to wait a month to find out if they will get relief from what they say is the constant barrage of gunfire from a major shooting range...
stormwater, sewage

UPDATED: Will Rick Scott sign “toilet to tap” legislation?

UPDATE, Friday 6 April 2018: Governor Rick Scott has vetoed this bill. In the veto statement, Scott said “I’m not convinced that this legislation will not muddle Florida’s protection of our aquifers.” A Florida bill recently...
Environment Florida releases report called Troubled Waters on industrial pollution

Industry still dumping pollution into Florida waterways: report

In less than 2 years industrial facilities dumped more pollution than allowed into Florida waters 270 times; that’s according to a new report from the Environment Florida Research & Policy Center called Troubled Waters. During...
USF St. Pete journalism student Andrea Perez on lead in water

Students find low levels of lead in South St. Pete water

Journalism graduate students at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg have found low levels of lead in drinking water samples taken in the homes of middle school students in South St. Pete. WMNF News...
WMNF 88.5

Residents struggle for quiet with shooting range near environmentally important land

In northwest Hillsborough County there’s a 400-acre chunk of land that environmentalists hope to save as a way to keep recharging the drinking water aquifer; Monday night in the Hillsborough County Center there’s a land...
anti-fracking sign

Florida rallies to ban fracking on Tuesday in Ft. Myers & December in Tampa

Will 2018 be the year a statewide ban on fracking finally passes the Florida Legislature? That’s the hope of environmentalists rallying Tuesday afternoon in Ft. Myers. WMNF News interviewed one organizer, Michelle Allen with Food...
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