

SOTD 11/5/24: Every Body by Ariana and the Rose

Today is the day! If you have not already, get out and VOTE! Voting is for everybody! The WMNF Song of the Day for November 5, 2024 is Every Body by Ariana and the Rose. WMNF has...

Lakeland’s Scott Franklin among freshman Congress members with most missed votes, he says numbers mislead

Former Lakeland City Commissioner and current District 15 Congress member Scott Franklin has missed more votes than most other freshmen members of the House. Franklin’s office says those numbers are misleading. LISTEN: Among the five...

Women’s Show – Platforms…Who reads? We do

We are coming down to crunch time….. This has gone beyond mud fights and something tells me the game hasn’t even begun.  The conventions are coming up in just a few weeks.  Do the platforms...

From A Woman’s POV covers the importance of women voting this election season

From A Woman's POV the importance of women voting this election season

Bill Clinton urges Democrats to vote as he stumps for Charlie Crist in Tampa

Bill Clinton urges Tampa to the vote out and vote for Charlie Crist for governor.
The Skinny
The Skinny