

MidPoint: Sen. Jeff Brandes On Florida Politics & Policies

Libertarian Sen. Jeff Brandes, the most interesting Republican in Florida politics, is leaving the Florida Senate due to term limits. He joined us to discuss his passion for policy over politics, and his post-office plans...
m-cores toll roads protest. no roads to ruin coalition

Coalition celebrates FDOT’s pausing of a possible Florida Turnpike extension

The No Roads to Ruin Coalition was successful in stopping the expansion of toll highways through rural Florida. For now.

WaveMakers: Transportation advocates Christina Barker and Tyler Hudson

Transportation advocates Christina Barker and Tyler Hudson talk about the re-do of Hillsborough County's sales tax referendum for transportation.
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Highway construction can lead to racial inequity; plus a new grant for Tampa Heights Mobility Corridor

Highways often cut through and displace vibrant communities, especially communities of color. WMNF guests look at alternatives.

Car-free initiative debuts on Halloween in downtown St. Pete

A car-free initiative in downtown St. Pete on Halloween showed residents and business owners alike that downtown can thrive without cars. WMNF’s Evan Greenfield was there to see for himself.

How a Florida woman helped change the motorcycle industry

These days, motorcyclists live and die by their Dyno sheets, the ultimate measure of an engine’s power. But when the machines came out in the late 80s, it was a women in Florida who bought...

Tampa wants your ideas on transportation and development

The City of Tampa’s MOVES (Mobility, Opportunity, Vision, Equity, and Safety) project is hosting the first of 10 “Listen First” virtual neighborhood sessions, on Tuesday, February 23. Residents will have an opportunity to voice their...

Tampa gets $67.3 million from state for streetcar expansion, largest transportation grant in region’s history

The Florida Department of Transportation Tuesday announced it awarded Tampa a $67.3 million grant for its streetcar extension and modernization project. The City and the Hillsborough Regional Transit Authority hope the expansion will make the...

In Florida, budget woes won’t get you out of accessibility responsibilities

The 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act provided federal civil rights safeguards for people with physical and mental impairments. But in the years since numerous pieces of federal and state-level legislation have determined exactly how those...

Public pushback on M-CORES highlights risk to panthers

Public pushback against proposed toll highways through rural Florida continues to focus on conservation and protecting Florida’s struggling panther population. Every commenter during Monday’s M-CORES task force meeting opposed the construction. Listen: The issue for...
m-cores toll roads protest. no roads to ruin coalition

Florida’s proposed toll roads get another round of online meetings

The Florida Department of Transportation is holding another round of online meetings this week to discuss three proposed toll highways through rural parts of the state. The meetings started with the Northern Turnpike Connector Task...

Tampa’s Green Spine Bicycle Trail

Green Spine Project Work is progressing on Tampa’s Green Spine Project. The project is part of the InVision Tampa Plan, with its goal of safe and accessible bicycle connections between the Central City neighborhoods, Downtown,...
First Call
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