
Temple Terrace

Mayors Nathan Kilton, Jane Castor, and Andy Ross at the Cuban Club, 8/18/23 (Credit: Kimberly DeFalco)

Tampa, Plant City, and Temple Terrace Mayors speak on local issues, preemption

Mayors of Tampa, Plant City, and Temple Terrace joined a panel in Tampa. They want less intrusion on local issues from state lawmakers.

Temple Terrace residents could soon be covered under Hillsborough County’s Tenant’s Bill of Rights

Temple Terrace City Council last month quietly voted to request that Hillsborough County’s Tenant’s Bill of Rights ordinance cover its city residents. Because the ordinance currently only applies to unincorporated Hillsborough County, it does not...
opponents of fracking in Florida

Florida Senate committee votes on fracking Thursday

Last month the state House passed a bill that would study and regulate fracking in Florida; the Senate version will get its final committee vote Thursday. At a press conference in Temple Terrace City Hall...
Hillsborough River

Tampa supports pumping water from Morris Bridge Sink

Unless they can work out differences by next week, it’s possible that several local governments will end up on opposite sides of a legal battle about whether to pump water from a sinkhole in sensitive...
WMNF 88.5

Drug-prevention advocate upset at Temple Terrace parade with “reefer”

A local Drug treatment finders Ohio is fighting back against a float in the Temple Terrace Fourth of July parade she says gives kids the wrong message — promoting marijuana smoking. WMNF interviewed Ellen Snelling,...

Fast Food Strikers block intersection in Temple Terrace

Fast food workers are striking today across the nation and in Tampa demanding a minimum wage of fifteen dollars an hour
Da' Soul Kitchen
Da' Soul Kitchen