

Tampa protestors show support for Jacob Blake, call for police reform

Protesters gathered in Tampa Friday to show support for Jacob Blake, an unarmed Black man killed by police in Kenosha Wisconsin last week. Demonstrators gathered to protest ongoing police killings of Black people and violence...

Tampa’s Green Spine Bicycle Trail

Green Spine Project Work is progressing on Tampa’s Green Spine Project. The project is part of the InVision Tampa Plan, with its goal of safe and accessible bicycle connections between the Central City neighborhoods, Downtown,...

Mayor Castor makes appearance at George Floyd solidarity protest

Last Saturday afternoon about 1,000 protesters joined with the nationwide Black Lives Matter marches seeking justice for George Floyd. Large sections of Fowler avenue in Temple Terrace were blocked off. Students for a Democratic Society...
Jane Castor

Mayor unveils One Tampa fund for residents and businesses struggling due to coronavirus

Here is a link to many coronavirus resources In Tampa, there may be a small degree of temporary relief in store for some individuals and small businesses. On Tuesday morning, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor announced...
Tampa beercan building reflection

City of Tampa will host a Community Resource Fair

This weekend the City of Tampa is hosting a “Community Resource Fair” to give residents information about city services and job opportunities. WMNF spoke about it with Vanessa McCleary, Tampa’s Housing and Community Development manager....
Jane Castor

Hear from Jane Castor at Tampa Tiger Bay forum; David Straz was a no-show

On Friday, Tampa Tiger Bay Club hosted a forum and invited both candidates in the runoff for Tampa Mayor; But former banker David Straz said he was not available. So, WMNF aired questions from Tiger...
guns gun violence die-in

Marjory Stoneman Douglas students will make 4 Tampa Bay area stops this month

Update: the location for the Lakeland event has been announced. July 06, 2018 • 2:30 PM Lake Mirror Park• 702 E Orange St, Lakeland, FL 33801. Survivors of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High...
immigration migrant families

Families Belong Together rallies in Tampa & Gulfport

WMNF’s Yvonne Gougelet contributed to this report. On Saturday more than 700 marches and rallies were organized across the country to protest the separation of families at the border; WMNF’s Rob Lorei reports that more...
mural art border wall U.S. Mexico immigration

Human rights activists will hold vigil at U.S. Border Control office in Ybor City

The emotional scars from separating children from parents seeking asylum at the U.S. – Mexico border is just one type of violence migrants face; another is being shot by armed Border Patrol agents. This Friday...
Joe Biden

Update: Joe Biden is in Tampa Bay today. When he was here in 2016, the VP stressed Cuba, TPP and natural gas

Update on June 4, 2018 – Former Vice President Joe Biden is speaking Monday night in St. Petersburg. Here’s a WMNF News report from when the VP spoke at University of Tampa on May 11,...

The Nazis Next Door in Tampa; and Heightened War Tensions in the Middle East Between Iran and Israel

Is a wider war about to break out in the Middle East and Southwest Asia? There are already conflicts in Syria, Yemen, Northern Iraq and other parts of the region. Some call it a proxy...
bathhouse ordinance sex trafficking

Sex worker solidarity group opposes “bathhouse ordinance” in Hillsborough

In the last few months the City of Tampa passed an ordinance trying to cut down on human trafficking by regulating businesses that pose as a massage parlors; but opponents of what’s called the “bathhouse...
Traffic Jam Wednesday
Player position: