
Tampa Tiger Bay

Confederate memorial

Hear from ten candidates running for Tampa City Council in Districts 3, 4, 6 & 7

In the past few weeks on MidPoint Monday, we’ve heard from Tampa Mayoral candidates and from City Council candidates in Districts 1, 2 and 5; in this show we heard from the rest of the city...
Tampa City Council candidates 2019 election Tampa Tiger Bay Club

Hear from Tampa City Council candidates in Districts 1, 2 & 5

On WMNF’s MidPoint we heard a debate with eleven Tampa City Council candidates in three races: Districts 1, 2 and 5. It was from a Tampa Tiger Bay Club meeting on January 18. There are...
Tampa City Council candidates at Tampa Tiger Bay Club

Video: Tampa City Council candidates debate at Tiger Bay

In March, Tampa voters will not only vote for a new mayor, but all seven city council seats are in play as well. On Friday at the Tampa Tiger Bay Club, candidates from three of...
Florida District 15 candidate forum

Nine of Florida’s Congressional District 15 candidates tussle in Tampa

There are twelve candidates running for Congress for the District 15 seat being vacated by Lakeland’s Dennis Ross. Nine of them debated Friday at the Tampa Tiger Bay Club. The three Democrats and six Republicans...
Hillsborough County State Attorney candidates Mark Ober Andrew Warren

Hillsborough County State Attorney debate: Ober vs. Warren

We look in detail at another election race: Republican Hillsborough County State Attorney Mark Ober is facing a challenge from former federal prosecutor Andrew Warren, a Democrat. We hear parts of a debate from earlier this month...

County Commission candidates, except Norman, share transit ideas

Six people are running for the county-wide District 6 seat on the Hillsborough County Commission to replace Kevin Beckner: four Democrats and two Republicans; five of them answered questions Friday afternoon at the Tampa Tiger Bay...
Wage Gap

Tiger Bay Club of Tampa panel looks at gender wage gap

Women earn less money than men; a panel discussion hosted by the Tiger Bay Club of Tampa Friday afternoon looked at why that is and what can be done about it. Amy Hollyfield with the Tampa...
The Morning Show Friday
The Morning Show Friday