
single payer health care

WMNF 88.5

Radioactivity Wednesday: Trump campaign surrogate says consumer choice and Health Savings Accounts will fix the US healthcare problem

July 8, 2020 Good morning, welcome to WMNF’s Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Today we’ll hear from a surrogate of President Trump’s administration on the question of health care. At the end of June, the President’s...
Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein

Green presidential nominee getting boost from Sanders fans

On Saturday at the Green Party Presidential Nominating Convention in Houston the party nominated Jill Stein for president and human rights activist Ajamu Baraka for vice president; Stein joined WMNF’s MidPoint Monday by phone. Listen to the...

Women’s Show discusses the real costs of Medicare for All…..and Title IX 2/25

What is the real cost of “Medicare for all?” Even with the Affordable Care Act, 33 million Americans are uninsured and another 15-55 million are underinsured.  Yet by far, American’s pay the highest  health costs per...

Castor amendment would help businesses provide health care directly to employees

Congress is not expected to vote on a major health care overhaul until after they return from an August recess. This morning in New Tampa, U.S. Representative Kathy Castor announced details of an amendment she...
Surface Noise
Surface Noise