
Seán Kinane

pro-immigrant rally

Immigrants and allies speak out against Florida bill

Pro-immigrant groups held rallies across the state Wednesday as part of what’s called the “We Are Florida” campaign. Wednesday morning outside Tampa City Hall Nanci Palacios criticized what she says are anti-immigrant bills that have...
PSTA electric bus demo

Pinellas transit authority checks out electric bus option

Pinellas County’s transit authority is thinking about purchasing some electric buses to replace diesel vehicles as they reach the end of their useful lives. PSTA is bringing in electric bus companies to demonstrate the advantages...
Vote here today

WMNF tells you how to vote; Craig Latimer answers questions

On WMNF’s MidPoint we tell you how to vote! Well, it’s really a conversation with Hillsborough County Supervisor of Elections Craig Latimer about how to make sure you are registered and that your vote counts. The presidential preference primary...
Pro-choice rally

St. Pete rally to support Roe v. Wade decision

Friday is the anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion throughout the country; after thunderstorms in the morning a half-dozen people waved pro-choice signs on a busy street corner in downtown St....
USF petition Palestine Israel divestment

USF student government votes to divest from human rights abusers

This week the University of South Florida student government Senate overwhelmingly passed a resolution to pull the university’s investments from companies involved in human rights violations against Palestinians; but USF appears ready to reject the...
TECO CO2 emissions / climate change

St. Pete will consider pulling fossil fuel investments from pension funds

St. Petersburg will end all bond investments in fossil fuel companies within two years and now City Council is considering whether to pull its investments in carbon polluting industries from its much larger pension funds...
Jennifer Rubiello

Fracking opponents will bring their protest to Florida legislators

This session the Florida Legislature is considering bills to regulate fracking. This week the Senate Environmental Protection and Conservation Committee advanced a bill that prohibits local governments from banning the controversial oil and natural gas drilling...
CIW farmworkers vs Publix

Fair Food advocates oppose Publix at USF Tampa

This Friday the University of South Florida Board of Trustees will take a vote on leasing land to Publix for a supermarket on the Tampa campus. But activists for the fair treatment of farmworkers are...
Hillsborough River

Tampa infrastructure changes could buffer from sea-level rise

Tampa’s downtown – and much of the city – is only a few feet above current sea level; emphasis on “current.” But by the end of the century ocean levels across the globe are expected...
Charlie Justice

Pinellas agrees to chip in for Tampa-St. Pete ferry

A pilot program for a passenger ferry between the downtowns of Tampa and St. Petersburg moved a step closer to reality Tuesday; the Pinellas County Commission agreed to set aside $350,000 to help fund the...
Rick Tschantz on Morris Bridge Sink

Permit to pump Morris Bridge Sink won’t be challenged

Hillsborough County will not file a legal challenge to a permit to pump water from a sinkhole in sensitive wetlands near the Hillsborough River. That’s after meetings by the region’s water management district produced a...
solar Duke

Floridians for Solar Choice aiming for 2018, not 2016

It’s been speculated for a while, but Monday for the first time the executive director of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy said for certain the Floridians for Solar Choice question will not be on this...
Traffic Jam - All Souls Edition
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