
Rob Lorei

Businessman Starts Petition Drive to Ban Assault Style Weapons in Florida; And David Straz Runs for Mayor of Tampa

There are two efforts to let Florida voters decide whether or not to ban assault style weapons. One campaign is being led by South Florida Congressman Ted Deutch. He wants to get a measure on...

The Nazis Next Door in Tampa; and Heightened War Tensions in the Middle East Between Iran and Israel

Is a wider war about to break out in the Middle East and Southwest Asia? There are already conflicts in Syria, Yemen, Northern Iraq and other parts of the region. Some call it a proxy...

Autonomous Weapons or “Killer Robots”: The Next Threat to World Peace?

Coming up we’re going to talk with a military analyst about how autonomous weapons aka “killer robots” could be one of the most deadly systems ever developed and may be the future of war. Welcome...

Anti-Gun Violence Group Comments on President Trump’s Speech at NRA Today

Radioactivity 5 4 18 Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up today—The NRA convention is underway in Dallas, both President Trump and Vice President Pence will be speaking there. We’ll talk with...

Local Woman Survives Dangerous Form of Cancer Dedicates Her Life to Inspiring Others

Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up we’ll meet a local woman who, after surviving an extremely rare and dangerous form of cancer, has had an amazing series of adventures in her...

Florida Veterans for Common Sense Call for Ban on Assault Weapons

Radioactivity 4 25 18 Welcome to Radioactivity, I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up— a local veterans group is calling for a ban on assault weapons. the NRA is on the offensive – having a record month...

ACORN Founder Wade Rathke Subject of New Film The Organizer Talks About Community Organizing

Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. ACORN was once the largest political movement of low and moderate income people in the US- but it was destroyed by an attack- from conservative media. We’ll...

Investigative Reporter Greg Palast Says There’s No Proof Widespread Illegal Voting in US Exists

Radioactivity 4 20 18 Today on WMNF’s Radioactivity investigative reporter Greg Palast (The Guardian, The BBC, Rolling Stone Magazine) says that while FOX News and President Trump say that millions of people voted illegally in...

Leading Rock Journalist Discusses Her Biography of Leonard Cohen

Radioactivity 4 18 18 Welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up— one of the leading rock journalists in the world— Sylvie Simms has interviewed and written about Leonard Cohen, Mick Jagger, Tom Waits, Neil...

International Law Expert Says US Attack on Syria Would Violate US Constitution and UN Charter

Radioactivity 4 12 18 Welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Yesterday President Trump suggested that an attack on Syria was imminent, after a reported chemical weapons attack on civilians in that country last week. Russia...

Jewish Survivor of Nazi Germany Discusses His Neighbor Adolph Hitler

Radioactivity 3 20 18 Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up—we’ll meet a 94 year old Jewish survivor of Hitler’s Germany…. And we’ll talk with one of the Democrats who is running...

Will the US End Participation in the Iran Nuclear Accord Under President Trump’s New Secretary of State?

Radioactivity 3 14 18 Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up— A big shakeup at the Trump administration. Rex Tillerson is out at Secretary of State. That means the current CIA Director...
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