

Social media anonymity may not be guaranteed as free speech

Judge: Social media user isn’t entitled to anonymity By MICHAEL KUNZELMAN, Associated Press A social media platform can be compelled to divulge account information belonging to a woman who anonymously chatted online about plans for last...

Poor People’s Campaign travels to Tallahassee Monday

Fifty years after Martin Luther King, Jr., participated in the original Poor People’s Campaign to fight what he called the evils of militarism, racism and materialism, a new nationwide movement has sprung up. WMNF interviewed...
Photo of a flag from the Florida Peace Action Network Facebook page. protest Waffle House

Anti-racists protest Waffle House in New Port Richey

Recently there have been several incidents at Waffle House restaurants across the country in which Black customers have felt they’ve been discriminated against or treated badly. In response, Wednesday morning, an activist group held signs...
Jeff Sessions protest

Tampa protesters mock Jeff Sessions with signs & chants

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions was in Tampa Wednesday for a meeting of leaders trying to deal with the opioid addiction crisis; but outside the building where Sessions was meeting, forty protesters criticized his positions...

In the 1920’s the KKK relied on Fake News, Religious Conservatives and Anti-Immigrant Feelings

Radioactivity 1 30 18 Fear of immigrants. It’s been at the center of President Trump’s call to build a wall across the US border with Mexico. And at the center of his attacks on so...
Donald Trump

ANSWER Suncoast will protest Trump in Sarasota on Sunday

The Women’s Marches aren’t the only demonstrations planned this weekend; on Sunday in Sarasota, there’s a protest and march called “Shut Down Racism, War & Bigotry on 1st Anniv. Of Trump.” It’s Sunday from 1:00...
University of Florida

Candidate for Florida governor joins anti-Spencer protest at UF

Hundreds of anti-fascist protesters are greeting white supremacist speaker Richard Spencer at the University of Florida in Gainesville Thursday afternoon. Reporters inside the arena said the 800 seats are more than half full, but mostly...

Women’s Show 8/17 – Dr. Gwendolyn Zoharah Simmons and Collier Myerson on Charlottesville

I’m losing track!  North Korea and its nuclear arsenal are relegated to the back page and we are fighting the Civil War again.  Note to self and others: the Civil War was fought over SLAVERY,...

Historian Charles Dew recounts growing up in St.Pete during Segregation on Radioactivity Thursday

By Rob Lorei On Radioactivity Thursday our guest was  award-winning historian Charles Dew, a professor at Williams College who teaches American History focusing on the South, Slavery, and the Civil War. He spoke about his...

Researcher Sean McElwee debunks myth of the black welfare recipient

On  Thursday’s Radioactivity – our guest was Sean McElwee, Research Associate at Demos, who recently penned an opinion piece for Aljazeera on the prejudice and politics that fuel misconceptions about about welfare recipients. A new study by...
Dezeray Lyn

Love Has No Borders – new Tampa group helps refugees

Amid the vitriolic rhetoric targeted at potential refugees coming to the U.S., a new group has just formed in Tampa Bay to help refugees get basic services and adjust to life in a new country....

USF students to rally in solidarity with Mizzou

On Thursday afternoon USF students will rally in support of students at the University of Missouri who have faced threats of violence after the school’s president and provost resigned in response to student protests; black students...
Saturday Night Shutdown
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