
National Popular Vote

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Radioactivity Tuesday: Preparing for the Climate Crisis; Creating a National Popular Vote for President

February 2, 2021 Good Morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei.  Our first guest is author and New York Times contributor David Pogue. He is a five-time Emmy Award-winning technology and science correspondent for CBS...
Interstate Compact status

League of Women Voters hosts forum on National Popular Vote compact

With Election Day just around the corner, the Florida League of Women Voters on Tuesday hosted a forum on the Interstate Voting Compact, which would ensure the president of the United States is elected by...
League of Women Voters of Florida logo from their facebook page

Non-partisan League of Women Voters explains the national popular vote compact

There is a national movement to have the results of presidential elections better reflect who actually got more votes; it’s called the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. Several states have passed laws to instruct their...
The Morning Show Tuesday
The Morning Show Tuesday