
Life Elsewhere

Controversy #2 On Life Elsewhere

“Should a Muslim printer be obliged to publish cartoons of Mohammed or a Jewish one the words of a Holocaust denier? Will gay bakers have to accept orders for cakes with homophobic slurs?” These are the...
WMNF 88.5

Controversy #1 On Life Elsewhere

After viewing Trump Rally, the skillfully produced documentary that zooms in on the people who believe Donald J. Trump should be the next President of the United States, it would be easy to mock and...

Next On Life Elsewhere

    On the next edition of Life Elsewhere a former carpenter and construction worker, Nicholas Petrie talks about his riveting debut novel, The Drifter.  Petrie, a gifted writer, and keen observer takes the reader on a...

A Timely, Intelligent Thriller

“The Drifter is a timely, intelligent thriller.” Says Norman B, about Nicholas Petrie‘s first novel. “It’s a page-turner, with gripping twists and turns, a cast of cleverly imagined characters and scenes so well orchestrated, you’d think Petrie...
WMNF 88.5

Remembering David

Since the unexpected news of David Bowie‘s passing, requests continue to pour into Life Elsewhere to hear Norman B’s composite of  conversations with the man. Listening back again to David doing his affectionate old lady impression, his...

The Secret Lives Of Young Arab Women

A young Syrian woman is brutally murdered by her brother, because she had sex outside of marriage. In Lebanon, women resolute to appear virginal have genital reconstruction surgery. A network of secret, women-only prayer groups...

Bowie Was Part Of Our Lives, Says Wreckless Eric

“The eulogies, tributes and public outpouring of grief on Facebook and Twitter and everywhere about the passing of David Bowie, is not really about him so much as about the people grieving. Because what’s happening is,...

On Age & Youth. The Conversations & The Music.

The two smiling, bespectacled and silver-haired chaps in the photo accompanying this post, was taken last year, on a mild sunny, winter’s day, in Hudson, upstate New York. The occasion was the first time Wreckless Eric and Norman B...

Revealing Conversations

After hearing just one song, Norman B was determined to find out more about the singer-songwriter, with a distinctive Irish brogue. “This beautiful song suggests she knows all about love and broken hearts.” He reasoned,...
WMNF 88.5

David Bowie – Rest In Peace

Dateline 2.30am Eastern Standard Time, Monday, January 11, 2016 For some reason, I could not sleep. Got up to get a drink. By habit, checked my emails and Twitter, then FaceBook. David Bowie Dead! Screamed one...

Birthday Boys At Life Elsewhere

John Lennon famously said,  “Before Elvis there was nothing.” Lennon was correct, of course, which may have prompted David Bowie to remark, “Elvis was a major hero of mine. I was probably stupid enough to believe that having...

Happy New Year from Life Elsewhere!

2015 was a busy and eventful year at Life Elsewhere. We covered a vast array of topics and interviewed a stellar line-up of guests. To begin 2016, we present a retrospective of favorite moments from...
Postmodern Hootenanny
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