
Lakeisha Black

Women’s Show 3/8 Happy International Women’s Day

A moment, if you will, to reflect, not only on women, but on the human race – its ongoing efforts to manifest and truly be human. It might seem ironic that women who have birthed...

Women’s Show Recap-1/25

We had fun chatting today with Lisa Perry, Lakeisha Black and Toni Van Pelt (not pictured) about the women’s marches and rallies that happened this past week. If you missed the show you can still...

MidPoint for Thursday, Jan 18 – Preview of St. Pete Women March; Former St. Pete City Councilman Karl Nurse

This Sunday activists involved with last year’s Women’s March in St. Petersburg will be commemorating the occasion by holding another major rally, this time in Williams Park in downtown from 12:30-4:30 p.m. Joining us on...
Gospel Classic Hour
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