
Jeff Vinik

Jeff Vinik

Tampa-area leaders call for transit solutions

In order to attract major companies to a growing Tampa Bay region, high-quality transportation options are needed; that’s according to Tampa Bay Lightning owner Jeff Vinik. But when WMNF News asked him the best way to...
Hillsborough River

Tampa infrastructure changes could buffer from sea-level rise

Tampa’s downtown – and much of the city – is only a few feet above current sea level; emphasis on “current.” But by the end of the century ocean levels across the globe are expected...

Florida this week with Tampa mayor Bob Buckhorn; Green Party candidate Jill Stein wants no bomb sale to Saudi Arabia

By Rob Lorei Today we listen to a special Thanksgiving edition of Florida this week in which host Rob Lorei interviews Tampa mayor Bob Buckhorn, touching on a variety of topics such as the Vinik...

MidPoint for Thursday, September 25 with former Tampa City Council member Linda Saul-Sena

Former Tampa City Councilwoman and now Creative Loafing contributor Linda Saul-Sena joined the program. Saul-Sena served on and off the council from 1987-2010, before losing a bid to serve on the Hillsborough County Commission. Among...
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