

Sabal Trail pipeline and DAPL protest

14 activists arrested protesting Sabal Trail pipeline in Florida

This week there were protests around the world – and here in Florida – by people opposed to construction of the Dakota Access pipeline through tribal lands in North Dakota; but demonstrations against a compressed natural...
Kriseman Tankersley stormwater

St. Pete plans to be able to handle Hermine-like stormwater event by next summer

The Public Works Administrator of St. Petersburg insists that stormwater improvements over the next year will allow the city to be prepared for another rain event on the scale of Hurricane Hermine by next August;...

St. Pete & Tampa protest Dakota Access Pipeline

Activists in Tampa and St. Petersburg joined in a series of protests across the world Tuesday against the Dakota Access pipeline; a hundred people marched along downtown St. Petersburg’s Central Avenue at lunchtime. They held signs...
Karl Nurse no fracking

Preview: Florida Fracking Summit in Ft. Myers

A bill to regulate and study fracking in Florida was defeated earlier this year in the state Legislature; but environmentalists are still concerned about the fossil fuel extraction technique that uses fluids that dissolve rock....

Bus tour for Everglades awareness: #NowOrNeverglades

A bus tour to draw awareness to the Everglades is in full swing through Florida. The #NowOrNeverglades Bus Tour hit the Tampa Bay area Friday. WMNF spoke by phone with Eric Eikenberg, Chief Executive Officer of the...

Women’s Show – Florida Phosphates and the new National Museum of African American History and Culture 9/22

Have you been following the massive sinkhole – just 30 miles east of Tampa in New Wales? JACLYN LOPEZ, Florida Director, Staff Attorney, Center for Biological Diversity. Jacki thinks Florida may be beginning to wake...
Mosaic New Wales sinkhole location from Google Earth

Mosaic apologizes for sinkhole communication delay; says contamination hasn’t spread

Executives from The Mosaic Company apologized Tuesday morning to Polk County residents for weeks of delays in notifying the public about a 45-foot-wide sinkhole that caused more than 200 million gallons of slightly radioactive water to drain...
coral disease

Historic coral disease outbreak spreading in Florida

A newly-published scientific paper describes a massive coral disease outbreak in Florida that is “arguably one of the most lethal ever recorded on a contemporary coral reef.” The lead author of the study, William Precht,...
Mosaic phosphate mining

Phosphate mining creates “moonscape” in Florida

We look at phosphate mining in Florida: what it’s used for, how it’s mined and its effects on the environment, water and public health. Listen to the full show here: The first half of the show...
Dave Howard on Egmont Key fire

Wildfire may actually help nature on Egmont Key: environmentalist

In July a wildfire on protected Egmont Key burned eighty acres of habitat; but an environmentalist says it may have actually benefited the wildlife on the island at the mouth of Tampa Bay. Dave Howard is...

True Blunders on Life Elsewhere

“Global warming is a total and a very expensive hoax!” This is only one of many tweets by GOP Presidential contender Mr. Trump on the subject of climate change. But that brash declaration caught the attention...
Center for Biological Diversity

Enviro groups sue feds to stop oil exploration in Florida’s Big Cypress

Several environmental groups are suing the National Park Service to stop oil and gas exploration in Florida’s Big Cypress National Preserve. Jaclyn Lopez is Florida director of the Center for Biological Diversity, one of the...
Mango Groove
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