
Donald Trump

Radioactivity Listeners chime-in on last night’s GOP debate

By Rob Lorei Today on Radioactivity, we open up the phone lines for listeners to discuss Thursday night’s GOP debate,the last debate before Super Tuesday. We look at some key moments during the lively exchange...

MidPoint for Thursday, February 25 – Jim Antle – political news editor with the Washington Examiner

With Donald Trump having won three consecutive primary elections, the Manhattan business mogul may improbably be heading for the Republican nomination for president. Joining us to talk about how the conservative moment is dealing with...

Florida This Week; Palestinian activist says Israel is polluting the village of Wadi Fouqin

On the first half of today’s show we listen back to the latest Florida This Week, a political talk show on local PBS station WEDU that is moderated by Rob Lorei. This episode’s panel of...
Jeb Bush rally

Jeb! campaign post-mortem; what are superdelegates? on Monday’s MidPoint

Jeb! Bush has suspended his campaign for president; we look back at the former Florida governor’s short run for president, what went wrong and what’s next. We also look at the controversial issue of superdelegates – it’s...

World Affairs conference in St.Pete; Adam Smith’s exclusive interview with Donald Trump

By Rob Lorei Our first guest on Radioactivity is  former radio journalist Diane Seligsohn, who is commitee chair of the St.Petersburg Conference on World Affairs, which feature panels with  diplomats, military, media, and academic experts discussing...
Donald Trump elephant

USF students will greet The Donald with Dump Trump action

Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump is coming to the USF SunDome Friday night and students are organizing a protest outside. Update, here’s audio from Rev. Bruce Wright, just before the Trump rally: WMNF News interviewed Elizabeth...
WMNF 88.5

Controversy #1 On Life Elsewhere

After viewing Trump Rally, the skillfully produced documentary that zooms in on the people who believe Donald J. Trump should be the next President of the United States, it would be easy to mock and...

WMNF listeners discuss the results of the Iowa caucuses

By Rob Lorei Today on Radioactivity we open up the phone lines for listener thoughts on the results of Iowa Caucuses, which included a tight victory for  Democratic Hillary Clinton by only .03 percent over...

Florida This Week; Perspectives on latest Democratic debate

By Rob Lorei Today on radioactivity we listen to the latest  Florida this week, a news and public affairs show moderated by Rob Lorei that airs every Friday night at 8:30 on local PBS station...

Radioactivity listeners chime in on Thursday’s GOP debate.

BY Rob Lorei On today’s Radioactivity, we open up the phone lines to listener  comments on Thursday’s GOP debate from Charleston, South Carolina. Highlights from last night’s discourse include criticism of President Obama’s handle on gun control...

Donald Trump campaign statements given 2015 Lie of the Year award by Politifact

By Rob Lorei Fact-checking news website Politifact determined that Donald Trump has made so many blatantly false statements during his presidential campaign this year , that it has collectively awarded them the 2015 Lie of...

GOP debate: Radioactivity breaks down candidates’ foreign policy

On Wednesday’s Radioactivity we look the back on last night’s Republican Presidential debate that centered on foreign policy and national defense. Listeners chime in via phone and email to discuss the candidates’ stance on using military...
Jazz Connections
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