St. Pete to help organize restoration of MLK/Malcolm X monument in Cuba
Kriseman told Cuba its consulate should be in St. Pete
Cuba, David Jolly’s senate run, and Jeb Bush’s medicare remarks on Florida This Week
Cuban flag now flies over embassy in Washington
Folk Musician Carlos Valera, often called the ‘Bob Dylan of Cuba’, joins us today on Radioactivity
The Fairness Doctrine debate segment takes on the U.S. trade embargo with Cuba
Eckerd College media director shares experiences from recent trip to Cuba with economics students.
Last Call with Daniel Ruth, award-winning columnist for the Tampa Bay Times
Tampa International Airport expects more direct flights to Cuba after thaw in relations
Author TJ English explores American organized crime within Cuba in Havana Nocturne
Radioactivity airs an episode of The Ralph Nader Radio Hour
Local reactions and oppositions to President Obama’s new approach on Cuba.