
climate change

Florida scientists request meeting with Gov. Rick to discuss climate change

Rob Lorei speaks with David Hastings, Professor of Marine Science & Chemistry about climate change in Florida

Kennedy Space Center prepares for sea level rise

Kennedy Space Center prepares for sea level rise

Charlie Crist says if elected he’ll reconvene annual climate change summit

A 100 or so Crist supporters were on hand Saturday to help launch a new St. Petersburg campaign office.

Excessive flooding and climate change spur stormwater talks in Tampa

Excessive flooding and climate change spur stormwater talks in Tampa
WMNF 88.5

EPA proposal could phase out coal-fired power plants by implementing CO2 emission regulations

EPA proposal could phase out coal-fired power plants by implementing CO2 emission regualtions
WMNF News: Beach dunes

Pinellas County accepts federal funding for Sunset Beach renourishment

Pinellas County to approve Sunset Beach nourishment

Climate change impacts public health.

Climate change affects the world in many ways, but one of the least discussed problems arises from its impact on public health. George Luber is the Associate Director for Climate Change for the National Center...

Cold weather continues, and so does the threat of climate change.

Does the recent cold snap prove global warming is wrong? Not according to Lonnie Thompson, an adviser to Al Gore’s film, An Inconvenitent Truth. He spoke at the University of South Florida in Tampa today...
WMNF 88.5

Tampa joins 3000 candle light vigils for Copenhagen Climate Conference

With one week left in the Climate Conference in Copenhagen, religious groups across the globe are congregating with fellow secular advocates to demand a binding climate agreement from world leaders. With about 500 events in...
WMNF 88.5

USF hosts second US-Dutch dialogue on climate change

Mitigating the effects of climate change, such as potential drought and sea level rise is a concern for planners in both the U.S. and the Netherlands. Today at USF, representatives from both countries shared strategies...

International Day of Climate Action was biggest yet

As part of the International Day of Climate Action, local activists rallied on Saturday in Tampa. According to the website http://350.org, people in 181 countries held 5200 events for the most widespread day of environmental...
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