
Bob Graham

Bob Graham

Former Florida Governor and U.S. Senator Bob Graham dies at 87

Bob Graham, a two-term Florida governor who served in the U.S. Senate and ran for president died Tuesday at age 87.

Andrew Gillum gets the most cheers as the Democratic gubernatorial candidates speak in Tampa

Fighting to lead their party in November and reversing two decades of Republican rule in Tallahassee, the four Democratic candidates for governor in Florida spoke in Tampa on Saturday night in front of several hundred...

MidPoint for Thursday, March 29 – Former Senator Bob Graham, graphic designer Bonnie Siegler, and digital political strategist Eric Wilson

Bonnie Siegler is considered one of the top graphic designers in America, and is the author of the new book, “Signs of Resistance: A visual history of protest in America.”  Siegler came on the program...
Bob Graham

Former FL Governor Bob Graham writes new book on how to win political battles

BY Rob Lorei On Radioactivity Wednesday, we spoke with former US senator and former Florida governor Bob Graham about his new book, America: The Owner’s Manual, a how-to book on how to get involved with...

Max Richtman looks at GOP plan for Social Security and Medicare; Former Sen. Bob Graham says declassified 9/11 papers show link to Saudi Arabia.

By Rob Lorei First on Radioactivity Tuesday we discussed the Republican platform on Social Security and medicare with Max Richtman, president and CEO of The National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare. The current GOP...

Former senator Bob Graham and independent journalists claim Saudi ties to Sept.11 attacks

Former Senator Bob Graham and independent journalists claim Saudi ties to Sept.11 attacks
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