

The Chaos & Unknowing Of Contemporary Life on Life Elsewhere

Adam Nemett boldly admits to working on his debut novel, We Can Save Us All for over twelve years. The time it took to finally get his sprawling, ambitious book published is essential to why...

Does God Exist? on Life Elsewhere

What would it take to prove the existence of God? This question and the consequences of its answer lies at the heart of Absolute Proof, the new thriller from bestselling author, Peter James. To provide absolute...

A Good Work By A Good Writer. For The Reader, What Luck!* on Life Elsewhere

Toby is a happy-go-lucky charmer who’s dodged a scrape at work and is celebrating with friends when the night takes a turn that will change his life – he surprises two burglars who beat him...

Escaping Scientology on Life Elsewhere

For years, Michelle LeClair, former President of Scientology’s international humanitarian organization, tried to reconcile her sexual orientation with the anti-gay ideology of the church. Michelle finally ends her horrific marriage, finds the love of her...

A Beautifully Complex Debut on Life Elsewhere

The demure young woman sitting opposite me gives no clue that she is the author of the most beautifully complex and engrossing book I’ve read in ages. Her darkly comedic interconnected stories follow Elena Rubik,...
bipolar illness manic depression mental health recovery book

New book on how to recover from bipolar illness

This month there have been two high-profile Americans to die from suicide, drawing attention to suicide prevention and treatment of mental health issues. Wednesday evening in Tampa an author will talk about how to recover...

Alt-America: The Rise Of The Radical Right In The Age Of Trump

Donald Trump’s victorious campaign for the US presidency shocked the world, the seemingly sudden national prominence of white supremacists, xenophobes, militia leaders, and mysterious “alt-right” figures mystifies many. But the American extreme right has been...

A Compelling Story Explained + A Vulnerable & Insightful Voice on Life Elsewhere

‘In Everything is Borrowed, acclaimed architect Nicholas Moscowitz lands a major commission, but his drive suddenly falters. The site of the new project awakens guilty memories, and when he digs into the place’s history, he uncovers...

The Artful Storyteller Avoids Disclosing The Plot Twist on Life Elsewhere

It’s 1955, at a party in a lush Roman palazzo. A wealthy American art collector has invited all the expat socialites — plus one of the great painters of modern art, Bear Bavinsky, a brawny,...

Women Didn’t Count At All on Life Elsewhere

“When the founders wrote, ‘We the People’ they really meant ‘We the White, Wealthy Men.’ Despite much lofty rhetoric, all men were not created equal and women didn’t count at all” You are just four...

The Real Tony Montana(s)? On Life Elsewhere

In answer to the question, “Was the truth hard to decipher?” Roben Farzad admits when dealing with notorious cocaine dealers, where each and everyone suggests that they were the role model for Tony Montana in...

Gritty, Unflinching, Name-Dropping & Juicy! (on Life Elsewhere)

When Adeline, a wealthy art student, chances upon a young man from the Midwest known only as Baby in a shady East Village squat, the two begin a fiery friendship that propels them through a...
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