
alternative medicine

Dr. Fred Harvey

12.27.21 Dr. Fred hosts Health & Nutrition – 2021 Health News Review

12.27.21 Dr. Fred hosts Health & Nutrition – 2021 Health News Review We are all tired of hearing Covid news, so Dr. Fred will review other statistics and breakthroughs with the listeners. We will look...
WMNF 88.5

12.6.21 Dr. Fred hosts Health & Nutrition. Topic: Mold & Mycotoxins

Dr. Fred Harvey hosts Health & nutrition. Dec. 6th topic: Mold and Mycotoxins We are surrounded in our environment by molds and funguses and their spores and metabolic byproducts. Some of these fungi produce mycotoxins,...

11.29.21 Dr. Fred Harvey hosts Health & Nutrition- topic: Electromagnetic Frequency

Electromagnetic Frequency toxicity is a constant burden to our sensitive energetic systems. We are energy. EMFs from phones and cell towers, from appliances and vehicles, from all broadcast media to our microwaves and video screens...
Dr. Fred Harvey

1.10.22 The Healthy Steps Show. Dr. Fred Harvey discusses Detox- Home and Pantry theme

Dr. Fred Harvey has rebranded the Health & Nutrition program into The Healthy Steps Show. Jan. 10 Dr. Fred will be continuing the new radio show format for The Healthy Steps with a topic series...

7.12.21 Health & Nutrition. Dr. Fred Harvey discussed Pesticides & Parkinson’s

Dr. Fred discusses Pesticides & Parkinson’s Disease. Followed by Covid updates, and answering listener emails and callers’ questions regarding health and wellness.

7.19.21 Health & Nutrition. Dr. Fred Harvey discusses Genetics, Epigenetics & Genomics

Dr. Fred discussed Genetics, Epigenetics & Genomics. Followed by Covid updates and answering listener emails and calls regarding health & wellness.

10.4.21 Dr. Fred Harvey discussed Long Haulers Covid, Post Infection Symptoms

D. Fred discussed Long Haulers Covid, and Post Infection Symptoms. Followed by answering email questions and health & wellness questions called in by listeners.

Holistic Health Expo in St. Petersburg showcases alternative medicine

As Americans struggle to get essential health services many people are now looking to alternative approaches to pair with preventative care. Last Saturday, there was a Holistic Health Expo at First Unity Church in St....
Postmodern Hootenanny
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