St. Petersburg police crack down on teens using gel pellet guns

Gel Pellet Guns // St. Petersburg PD, 6/4/2024


More than 200 teens gathered in  downtown St. Petersburg Saturday night, and several of them were firing gel pellet guns at the crowd. The Police Department is cracking down on similar behaviors.

Later that night, one teen shot randomly outside of a moving car on Beach Drive.  Two fourteen-year-olds and the 22 year old driving the car, were arrested.

St. Petersburg Police Chief Anthony Holloway spoke at a press conference. He says among the victims were two police officers, a couple eating outside, and a police horse.

The gel pellets sting, but generally don’t cause permanent damage unless they hit sensitive areas like the eyes.  If they are discharged at cars, it may cause drivers to become distracted and crash.

“What I want to make sure I tell the youth and their parents – if we catch these kids out there using these toys the wrong way, we will arrest you.”

The horse faced minor injuries after being shot in the shoulder, neck, and eye.

“We’re very fortunate that the horse didn’t buck the rider off, and that horse didn’t take off into the crowd.”

Holloway says that adults hanging out with teens shooting pellet guns would be charged. He also says parents of teens shooting the guns will have to pay restitution to the victims.

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