Temporal landmarks (or the Fresh Start Effect) is a psychological phenomenon that represents the start of a new time period. This can range from the start of a new year, the beginning of a new month, a job change, or a change in season. During the month of March the Spring Equinox and Daylight Savings both represent a start of a new time period which often prompts people to begin thinking of creative ways to make the best use out of longer days filled with sunlight.
It has been said that with the changing season comes new beginnings. As we spring forward towards the various seasons in our lives, we may encounter stumbling blocks. However, some comforting words to keep in mind are these, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new”…Socrates.
One Morning Energy we are going to spend time exploring creative ways to spring forward as it relates to so many different areas of our lives to include hearing the real life story of many people who have done just that.
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