Join Anni Ellis and expert guests Hillary Cosenza and George Campani of the Rare Fruit Council to discuss citrus varieties and the Rare Fruit Council Club, on this week’s Sustainable Living show. The Club promotes the growing and propagation of fruit grown in this area of Florida and also encourages different and new varieties of fruit to be grown. Hillary is a native Floridian and has been an avid gardener since childhood. She is a board member of the Tampa Bay Rare Fruit Council and has served as both president and vice president. George has been a member and volunteer of the Tampa Bay Rare Fruit Council for about 20 years. Both members love to educate the public through the Rare Fruit Council.
Topics discussed:
-the origin of the Rare Fruit Council (“The Club”)
-what types of rare fruit can be grown in Florida
-varieties of citrus
-citrus greening and resistant citrus varieties
-the upcoming Citrus Celebration event
-council fruit tasting events
-where to get quality trees and plants
and more!
Find out more about Rare Fruit Council events and membership at their website.
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