Randy Wynne to Retire Monday, Feb. 1st After 35 Years as Program Director

Randy Wynne
Randy Wynne in his office at WMNF | Ray Roa

Monday, February 1st, marks the end of an era at WMNF. After 35 years as Program Director, Randy Wynne retires – but is not gone! Randy will continue his morning show and help transition our new PD, Samantha Hval, into our family.

Though I have only been here a short time, I can see the impact Randy has made on our station and Tampa’s music scene. Whether it’s programmers that have been here for years or new programmers that he has given their first break. The listeners I run into at restaurants that talk about Randy, and not least, the venue owners who appreciated all the great artists Randy has supported in bringing them to their businesses.

Randy is a walking encyclopedia of music theory and public radio history. I have spent countless hours with him going over strategies and tactics, and he can pull relevant historical data and stories off the top of his head to put things in perspective. And at the same time, he doesn’t live in the past. He has always been thinking about staying ahead of the curve. Worrying about all the challenges that a station like ours face and thinking of how we remain relevant and stay strong. He knows and happily accepts the fact that we at the station will be bugging him from time to time to ask for advice.
Due to the pandemic, we cannot have a large gathering for a proper sendoff party. But as soon as it is safe for all of us to gather, we will have the celebration Randy deserves.

Being a Program Director is a thankless job, and I probably have not thanked Randy enough.
Thanks for guiding this station successfully for 35 years.
Thanks for the friendship.
Thanks for your fundraising skills.
And Thank you for all things you do that no one sees.
Lastly, here is a very big


Rick Fernandes


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