March 5, 2021
Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. In recent weeks there’s been renewed interest about FBI surveillance of leading black activists in the late 60’s and early 70’s.
The new film JUDAS AND THE BLACK MESSIAH depicts the FBI’s efforts to undermine Black Panther activist Fred Hampton who was eventually assassinated by the Chicago Police Department.
Last month a death bed letter written by a deceased former police officer stated the New York Police Department and FBI were connected to Malcolm X’s 1965 assassination.
The FBI surveilled activists across the country in the late 60’s and early 70’s . One of those was Tampa activist, Askia Mohammed Aquil. The Tampa Bay Times carried a story about the surveillance last weekend. Aquil spoke with me earlier this week.
Watch The First Rainbow Coalition documentary here:
Watch Democracy Now! interview with Reggie Wood here:

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