Medicare Enrollment Period Closes on December 7
December 7 marks the end of the yearly 3-month Medicare coverage enrollment period. Now is the time to make your Medicare coverage election for the year 2023. It can be a very complicated decision, but FREE, UNBIASED help from trained counselors is available. On November 30, MidPoint hosted Medicare counselors Amy Hagel and Fran Oberne from Florida SHINE Medicare Counseling, a service of the Florida Dept. of the Elder Affairs. They shared with us some of the significant issues and factors to consider when making this important decision. Listen to the show here:
Counseling appointments are available now
SHINE provides free, unbiased, and confidential Medicare information and counseling by phone and in person at local events throughout the counties of Hillsborough, Polk, Manatee, Hardee, and Highlands. SHINE services are free, unbiased and confidential. SHINE is not affiliated with and does not endorse any insurance company or product. Appointments may be made by calling the Elder Helpline at 1-800-963-5337 (800-96-ELDER). SHINE’s Volunteer Medicare counselors will be available for in-person meetings on Thursday, December 1, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm (last appointment at 3:00 pm) in Polk County at College Heights United Methodist Church 934 South Blvd. Lakeland, FL 33803, and on Saturday, December 3 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm in Hillsborough County at the Senior Connection Center 8928 Brittany Way, Tampa, FL 33619. You’re invited to come and get your Medicare questions answered before the enrollment period expires. The Senior Connection Center also has resources and information about other programs and services for seniors such as In-Home services for Seniors, Nutrition and Meal Programs, Medicaid Eligibility, Long Term Care Services, Adult Day Care, Rental & Utility Payment Assistance, Transportation Assistance and much more.
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