“Making New Year resolutions is one thing. Remaining resolute and seeing them through is quite another.”— Alex Morritt
Making New Year’s resolutions is an extremely popular tradition that is practiced in many Western nations. However, this annual tradition is rooted in the ancient Babylonian culture and involves a 12-day festival known as Akitu. As part of this festival, the Babylonians would make promises to their gods for the new year, and they also believed that good fortune would follow if they remained faithful to their words.
It has been said, “Don’t Make Promises You Don’t Intend To Keep”. In general, promises and New Year’s resolutions are well-intended, however, modern day statistics continually reveal that resolutions often do not last – with an estimated 80% of people abandoning their resolutions by mid-February.
On Morning Energy, we are going to spend time exploring the importance of striving for lasting resolutions as it relates to so many different areas of our lives.
Join me, Renna, on Friday from 4-6am for a special musical journey about this very important topic!
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