Nancy Johnson has been a long time supporter of WMNF, and served on the Board of Directors off and on for nearly twenty years. She is passionate about Community radio, and its importance to the Tampa Bay Community, and the station’s mission to provide diversity in music. news, and public affairs.
In late 2021, Larry’s long-time assistant. Rich Gonzalez, took a sabbatical, and Nancy was asked to help out, and has remained onboard, loving the opportunity to share the blues on Monday nights.
Nancy grew up around music…her father, Grover Cleveland Cox, came from a family of musicians in rural North Florida. He was a guitar player and singer, and his love of standards, jazz and blues was ever present, and greatly influenced Nancy while growing up in the DC area.
Through the years she sang with lots of bands …the last being 14 years spent with the Women’s Blues Revue here in Tampa Bay.
She is honored to work alongside Larry with his vast knowledge of blues artists and their histories. She enjoys the chance to share some gems each week…some on the edge of the blues trail, hitting on old standards, or anything that speaks of good, soulful sounds.
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