Hillsborough County Commission to consider investments in Israel

Hillsborough County District 4 Commissioner Michael Owen // Credit: Hillsborough County Meetings YouTube


The Hillsborough County Commission will now have the opportunity to invest up to 25 million dollars in Israeli bonds. The decision came at a divisive county commission meeting on the matter.

The amendment was brought about by District 4 County Commissioner Michael Owen.

“I’ll never understand the anti-Semitism that comes out of the community, statewide or nationally. I’ll won’t ever get it, and I’ll look everybody in the face and let you know that I stand by this.”

Previously, the county couldn’t invest foreign bonds. But now, the county will have the option to invest in Israeli bonds. It was approved 6 to 1, with the only “no” vote from Commissioner Pat Kemp.

“I’m concerned that this board has created a controversy about county bonds and finances where we shouldn’t have.”

Most spoke out against the proposal during public comment, including Hillsborough County resident Cameron Pressy.

“Investing county money in a warzone is a bad investment.”

Others, including developer Sean Wilson, spoke in support of the amendments.

“I support statements and actions in support of the state of Israel as a proud Jewish person.”

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