A lot of people think the older you get, the less inclined you are to celebrate another trip around the sun.
Not so at WMNF. Our 37th birthday is well worth celebrating.
Who would have thought a little community radio station built by volunteers would last this long?
And WMNF hasn’t just lasted, it’s thrived.
WMNF’s beginnings were small, but its signal was big and so were the dreams of its founders.
Today, WMNF is firmly implanted as Tampa Bay’s Community radio station – still mostly volunteer driven, still provided news and views you can’t hear anywhere else and still playing the kind of music you can’t hear on any other frequency.
WMNF has remained on the air for 37 years because of its listeners. Loyal, generous, adventurous listeners.
And WMNF will continue for another 37 years with another generation of loyal, generous, adventurous listeners.
How WMNF will enter your ears may change some time in the future – the distant future, I might add. Radio still has the biggest reach of any medium available.
But what will not change is the value of having a radio station in our community that dedicated to thinking outside the mainstream.
Damn, we are blessed to have WMNF! We know it. You know it. And the next generation of WMNF-ers will know it to.
So, Happy Birthday to Us! And here’s to many more.
Craig Kopp
General Manager
Please come down to WMNF today (9/14) to celebrate our birthday. Live music, station tours, birthday cake, cds and records for everyone! More information is here.
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