We listen to last Friday’s episode of Florida this Week, moderated by Radioactivity host Rob Lorei. The governor’s state of the state address and the most contentious issues of the current legislative session are discussed by a diverse panel of political experts: Tampa Bay times politics and business managing editor Amy Hollyfield, USF St.Pete Professor Emeritus of Government Dr. Darryl Paulson, Pasco Tax Collector and former state senator Mike Fasano, and political strategist Barry Edwards.
We then turn to [a recent story from the Florida Center for Investigative Reporting]( Tristram Korten’s radio report on WLRN Miami Herald News) about how the Florida Department of Environmental Protection has informally banned the terms “Climate Change”, “Global Warming” and “Sustainability” from any official communications. We listen to a radio report by Tristram Korten from WLRN Miami Herald News.
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