This lively and engaging radio show stands as the only show dedicated to the LGBTQIA+ community in Tampa Bay. Join hosts Bryan Hinkson, Esmé Russell, and Chris Gorman weekly as they bring you the latest and greatest music from LGBTQIA+ artists and allies and insightful news tailored for the LGBTQIA+ community. Explore everything LGBTQIA+ in Tampa Bay with us!
Christopher Gorman is one of three show hosts of The Big Gay Radio Show and was born and raised in the Tampa Bay Area. He was previously on the board of directors of a local LGBTQIA+ non-profit and was instrumental in the founding of one of Tampa Bay's broadest LGBTQIA+ collegiate scholarship with St. Petersburg College. Christopher has also received Watermark Magazine's W.A.V.E. award for Favorite Local Activist in 2023 and currently attends the University of South Florida, studying Political Science.
Bryan Hinkson was born in Louisiana, with family from New York City, he grew up in the military with his father serving actively in the US Army. Having lived in the United States and abroad most of his young life, his family settled in the Washington DC area which he considers his hometown until his move to Florida.
Bryan has made the Tampa Bay area his home for the past 12 years with an illustrious career in Radio broadcasting. He currently attends St. Petersburg College to obtain his second degree in Graphic Design and you can find him playing softball most Sundays in Tampa Bay’s LGBTQIA+ Suncoast Softball League.
Esmé Russell Is a Tampa native of Cuban ancestry. Born and raised in Ybor city, a Hillsborough High School graduate and with Masters in Metaphysics, Esmé has been doing radio for 15 years 10 of them doing her own show The Esmé Russell Show for GSH Radio. She is also an ordained minister of the universal church and professional entertainer, having won a multitude of beauty pageants and achievement awards including a Lifetime Achievement Award. Esmé has been performing for over 40 years and recently celebrated her 30th anniversary as a former Miss Florida for female impersonation