“The season changes remind us of the ever-changing nature of life and the importance of embracing it.” – Anonymous
Equinoxes are events that happen twice a year when the Northern and Southern Hemisphere experience “nearly” equal amounts of daylight and darkness at all latitudes.
Equinoxes are also associated with seasonal shifts. These seasonal shifts signify the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. Likewise, the Fall Equinox signifies the start of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere and spring in the Southern Hemisphere.
Season shifts not only bring about changes in daylight hours and temperature, but it also impacts the migration patterns of many species as well as the agricultural growing season. Additionally, from a spiritual perspective, seasonal shifts represent a time of balance, reflection and the renewing of our inner light.
On Morning Energy, we are going to spend time exploring the necessity of making shifts in various areas of our lives to include our personal and spiritual evolution.

I found out about WMNF through an outreach table that was set up at Sweet Water Organic Farm during my first visit there in 2012.
I had never really heard much about community radio stations at that time and became extremely intrigued as to why a radio station would have an interest in attending and/or hosting events in the community.
As I began to learn more from the Volunteer Coordinator at that time, I decided that the station would be a great fit for me in light of my background in communications and my ongoing interest in helping others.
One of my first volunteer assignments at WMNF was community outreach. I thought what better way to reach out to the community than in the same manner that I felt WMNF had reached out to me. After about a year of doing out reach service, I decided to try my hands at voicing promos/drops since I still had a passion for the arts. I also began helping out during the marathons.
Consequently, while volunteering during one of the marathons, I was asked by a former host to consider being one of their co-host because he liked my personality and the sound of my voice. I had never done formal radio work before, although I DID have a communication degree, however, my interest while attending college at that time was more towards television than radio. Nonetheless, I agreed. In addition to being a co-host on that show (The Damn Jams )(Hip-Hop) , other shows that I have co-hosted on while volunteering at WMNF are: Thee Righteous Temple of Hip Hop (Christian Hip Hop), The Early Bird Wake Up Show (Country), Blues With A Groove (Blues ), Mellow Music Encounters ( R& B and Blues) and Kingston 12 (Reggae). However, In February 2014,
I was thankfully given the opportunity to host and produce my own show.... MORNING ENERGY..... and it has truly been an AMAZING experience and journey for which I will always be thankful for!!!

FUND DRIVE TIME!! Morning Energy has to raise a Couple Hundred$$!
Please donate what you can afford to help keep "Morning Energy" on the air so that we can continue to bring you motivational, inspirational, educational, and useful information! xoxoxoxo