Radioactivity with Rob Lorei
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Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up—American wages continue to lag behind for many workers—especially people just out of high school.
In the Economic Policy Institute’s new report: “Class of 2019: High School Edition,” they look at the job prospects of students as they graduate from high school and consider their future. What they found was that Importantly, nearly two-thirds of workers over age 21 do not have a four-year college degree.
The average wage for a worker with a high school degree is $12>26 an hour—that’s a little more than $25,000 a year.
EPI also found that right out of high school, women and black workers, on average, are paid at least 10 percent less than white men.
Elise Gould is a co-author of the new report on what 2019 high school graduates are facing when it comes to wages.
FMI: https://www.facebook.com/EconomicPolicy/photos/a.10151281228111668/10157251431561668/?type=3&theater
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