
Station Updates

WMNF Volunteers are the Best

WMNF held its Volunteer Party on Sunday, and we celebrated the generous people that make the station happen. We love all of our volunteers, and like to recognize that some people come in and give...

Couldn’t I Just Tell You? The Surface Noise Todd Rundgren Interview

DJ Lounge Laura Taylor recently caught up with Todd Rundgren, who performs at the Mahaffey Theater Saturday, May 27th. The interview will air in several parts, because Todd likes to talk! Hear part one this...

Transitions and Changes on Morning Energy

We live in a world where transitions and changes are constantly happening around us. Whether those transitions/changes are happening environmentally, mentally, physically, socially or emotionally. Although transitions and changes are inevitable, people are not always...

Fruiting Plants for your Home on the Sustainable Living program

On Monday’s WMNF Sustainable Living Program we talked about fruiting plants with Sean and Jessica O’Toole, owners of the Wild Guava, a local fruit and plant nursery. Also joining us was Dr. Jonathan Crane, Professor of...

An Extraordinary Advocacy Of Animal Rights, Sue Coe (on Life Elsewhere)

In the Vegan Manifesto, Sue Coe, human champion of rights for those whose voice most humans do not hear, has crafted a masterpiece: at once visually stunning and spiritually invigorating.” – Dr. Michael Greger, author...

Earth Day on Morning Energy

Earth Day is an annual worldwide celebration that occurs on April 22. It marks the anniversary  of the birth  of the modern environmental movement in 1970.  Education is the foundation of the movement.  On Morning...

New music for discerning ears from WMNF’s Hot Box

Want some new stuff to listen to this weekend? We are here to serve! WMNF has a box in the music library full of new releases that our music department wants to highlight. Here are some...

Celebrating ‘Good Friday’ on Morning Energy

Good Friday, also known as “Holy Friday,”. It is the Friday immediately preceding Easter Sunday. And it also follows “Holy Thursday”….which is the day Christ celebrated the “Last Supper with his Disciples…..  “Good Friday” is...

Women’s Show 4/13 – Earth Day Network and ACLU Awards for Women’s March

The March for Science in Conjunction with Earth Day….. Who would have “thunk” that in the year 2017 we would be marching for science?  Actually it makes a great deal of sense.  We live in...

Herb Alpert Two Part Interview on Surface Noise!

DJ Lounge Laura Taylor opens wide the Cocktail Mix doors to the legendary trumpet maestro and A&M label entrepreneur Herb Alpert! Part one of the interview airs Wednesday, April 19 and a longer-form piece blasts...

Industrial Hemp in Florida

On Monday’s Sustainable Living program (you can listen back through the program link) we talked about Industrial Hemp; its history; many uses and legislation to legalize it here in Florida. Our guest, Bob Clayton, recently built his home...

All About Angels on Morning Energy

Many people around the world are still observing LENT -which is a season of the year when Christians focus on simple living, prayer, and fasting in order to grow closer to God. It begins 40...
Waves Of The Bay
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