
Station Updates

WMNF & #GivingNewsday May 5th

First of all, we hope you and yours are doing well. Thank you for listening to WMNF. Our News Department led by Rob Lorei and Sean Kinane, as well as hosts of your favorite Public...

Hyper Education & The Twitter Exile

In Hyper Education – Why Good Schools, Good Grades, and Good Behavior Are Not Enough, Pawan Dhingra uncovers the growing world of high-achievement education and the after-school learning centers, spelling bees, and math competitions that it...

“Mayday, Mayday, May Day” on Morning Energy

May Day is a holiday that is usually celebrated on May 1st. It has its roots in astronomy and is the halfway point between the spring equinox and the summer solstice.  In the late 19th...

You Rocked the Sarasota Giving Challenge!

Thanks to the hundreds of amazing and generous WMNF listeners who donated to the station through the Sarasota Giving Challenge. You smashed a station record! With the match, WMNF will be receiving more than $45,000!...

“Exploring Your Creativity” on Morning Energy

Brandon Bush, (an Atlanta, Georgia musician), spent 14-days in quarantine after being exposed to COVID-19 following his interactions with Tom Hanks and his wife (Rita Wilson). In an blog posting in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, a...

“Earth Day Celebration” on Morning Energy

Earth Day is an annual celebration that take places on April 22nd. The 2020 Earth Day celebration will mark its 50th anniversary. The purpose of Earth Day is to bring awareness to environmental concerns. More...

A Conversation With Slum Of Legs

“The undercarriage of chairs and tables in a typical interior makes an ugly, confusing, unrestful world. I wanted to clear up the slum of legs.” A quote from Eero Saarinen, the acclaimed Finnish-American architect and industrial designer...

Good Friday: “How To Make The Best Of Bad Situations” on Morning Energy

Good Friday is celebrated annually for many around the world. In 2020 Good Friday is on April 10th. Good Friday is defined as the Friday before Easter Sunday, on which the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ...
WMNF 88.5

A Self-Isolating Conversation With Dr. Binoy Kampmark

The fourteen-hour time difference hardly seems to matter when you are self-isolating. Days seem to run into each other. Cable news doesn’t help, everyone is jibber-jabbering from their homes via Skype or Zoom, etc. The...

Two Cultural Phenomena

Each August staff and volunteers begin to construct Black Rock City, a temporary city located in the hostile and haunting Black Rock Desert of northwestern Nevada. Every September nearly seventy thousand people occupy the city...

“Being on Lock-Down” on Morning Energy

Being on “lock-down” is a common phrase associated with prison inmates being confined to their cells. However, being on “lock-down” can also mean:  the act of controlling someone, that a situation is taken care of, ...

Some WMNF Community Partners who remain open for take-out orders

These are some of WMNF’s Community Partners who remain open for take-out orders Please know the situation may change daily, though we will try to update, as information becomes available. If you choose to order...
True Talk
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