
Working Conditions

CIW farmworkers vs Publix

Deficit expert says Pentagon hides true extent of Military Spending; Human Rights violations found at farms of two Publix tomato suppliers

By Rob Lorei There is a lot of concern about government spending and the federal deficit, with many people pointing the finger at social programs like SNAP.And while there has been many attempts to curtail access...

The looming teacher shortage in Florida; low-wage workers demand a living wage at McDonald’s HQ in Chicago

By Rob Lorei On Radioactivity Wednesday we first looked at the local fight for a livable, $15 an hour wage that took two fast food workers to McDonalds’ headquarters to protest at the company’s annual...

Communist Party USA leader John Bachtell on Radioactivity Friday

BY Rob Lorei On Friday’s Radioactivity, our guest was John Bachtell,  national chair of the Communist Party USA. Previously he was Illinois organizer for the party, and is active in labor, peace and justice struggles....
Roger Butterfield with the Tampa May Day

Preview of Tampa May Day celebration

Sunday is May Day – a celebration of workers and labor rights; there is a pot-luck picnic planned for the university area in Tampa. WMNF News interviewed Roger Butterfield with the Tampa May Day organizing...
CIW farmworkers vs Publix

Farmworker groups march to pressure Wendy’s on Fair Food Program

Florida migrant farmworkers and their allies will march from New York to Florida next month to call attention to working conditions in the fields; the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and the Alliance for Fair Food...

Florida This Week; USF graduate assistants demand higher wages

First on Radioactivity, we listen back to the latest episode of Florida This Week, a political talk show on local PBS station WEDU that is hosted by Rob Lorei. This week’s panel of political insiders...

How much would a Bernie Sanders healthcare system cost?

by Rob Lorei During last night’s Democratic debate, one of the argument that Hillary Clinton levied against Sen. Bernie Sanders is that his plan for single payer healthcare system is unfeasibly expensive; both she and...

New study says low wage jobs cost Floridians over $11 Billion a year

  BY Rob Lorei Today we are joined by FSU economic professor Patrick Mason, author of a new Study on the high cost of low wage jobs in Florida. The report found that near the nearly 39...

Life in a Democratic Socialist country; Looming water crises threatening Florida.

By Rob Lorei During last nights GOP debate,  Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said  democratic candidate Bernie Sanders ” is a good candidate — for president of Sweden. We don’t want to be Sweden, we want to...
CIW farmworkers vs Publix

Fair Food advocates oppose Publix at USF Tampa

This Friday the University of South Florida Board of Trustees will take a vote on leasing land to Publix for a supermarket on the Tampa campus. But activists for the fair treatment of farmworkers are...
farmworkers; Florida agriculture; farmworkers, coalition of Immokalee workers, ciw

EPA considering pesticide protections for farmworkers

A 23-year-old law, the Agriculture Worker Protection Standard (WPS), is being updated to enhance protections for people exposed to toxic agricultural pesticides; the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is also proposing a ban on the neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos for use...

Surprise?! U.S. Not Leader in Women’s Rights

Experts from the UN Working Group recently concluded their 10-day study of how U.S women’s rights compare to the international community and the results don’t look too good. Big surprise, right?! Visiting Alabama, Oregon and...