

A Conversation With Jason Yamas

After Jason’s world falls apart in LA, he moves to Berkeley for a fresh start with his kid brother. Just one problem: his long-closeted Adderall addiction has exploded into an out-of-control crystal meth binge. Within...

A Conversation With Penelope Trappes

“How would you describe myself,” Penelope Trappes says with a hint of irony as we begin a lengthy conversation. That modicum of irony is ever-present in Trappes work, from the visual imagery to the soundscapes...

The Fabulous, Fearless, And Infamous Abortionist. 2023 Oscar Nominations Assessed. 

In her epilogue to Madame Restell, author Jennifer Wright says, “Around the world, women are gaining greater control over their bodies. Though not in America. So, tell the next generation that there was a time...
WMNF 88.5

The Optimism Of Jared Yates Sexton. UFOs Or UAPs? New Music To Indulge In

Jared Yates Sexton – The Midnight Kingdom – A History Of Power, Paranoia, And The Coming Crisis “I realize people think of me as a doom-sayer” announces Jared Yates Sexton at the beginning of our...

Bradley Onishi, A Convincing Writer With A Warning. An Early Conversation With Arlo Parks. 

Stop by Bradley Onishi’s website and you’ll notice he’s not shy about proclaiming his abilities, “Scholar, Speaker, Thought Leader” shouts the headline. Then, in the first sentence of the first paragraph, Bradley adds he is...

A Peculiarly British Christmas

Christmas Pudding. Christmas Crackers. Pantomimes. Mince Pies. Boxing Day. Ah, yes, Boxing Day, if some of the other peculiarities of a British Christmas are explainable, Boxing Day remains a splendid conundrum. Christmas without Boxing Day...

In A Word It’s Madness!*

“We have to start with what has happened in the past week, which is that the President of the United States of America in the service of the conspiracy theory that he has been peddling...

The Prophetic Lens With Phil Allen Jr. Idiosyncratic Opinions With Dr. Binoy Kampmark

In the introduction to his new book, The Prophetic Lens, Phil Allen Jr. quotes a performer who has had his share of notoriety in front of the camera, not least of all his extraordinary behavior...

A Conversation With Cathal Coughlan On The State Of Our World Part One

This conversation was recorded almost exactly one year before the famed Irish artist died on May 18, 2022. We have received many, many requests to hear A Conversation With Cathal Coughlan again. Please note, a...

Real Life Zombies + An Absorbing Saga + New Music

On Matt Simon’s website, there is a photo of him sitting next to someone dressed as a horse. The caption says, “I’m the one on the left. As great as it might seem to be...
WMNF 88.5

The Biggest Ideas In The Universe. Elton John @ 75.

Sean Carroll – The Biggest Ideas in the Universe The most trusted explainer of the most mind-boggling concepts pulls back the veil of mystery that has too long cloaked the most valuable building blocks of...

The Visual Chronicler Of Our Times. Royalty In Movies. New Experimental Music.

The unstoppable cacophony of Manhattan’s ambient soundtrack – police sirens, a building’s gurgling water pipes, the banging and crashing of who-knows-what fail to stymie Steve Brodner’s gentle, yet acerbic comments. We are recording via Zoom,...
Maybe Partying Will Help
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