

Celebrity Fossils on Life Elsewhere

Over the last century, the search for human ancestors has spanned four continents and resulted in the discovery of hundreds of fossils. While most of these discoveries live quietly in museum collections, there are a...

Virtue & Vice In Ancient Rome on Life Elsewhere

“Two thousand years ago, an aristocratic Roman matron named Vistalia faced a trial for adultery. Vistalia was notorious for conducting multiple extramarital affairs, but her husband, Titidius Labeo, refused to divorce her. Eventually, the Emperor...

The Soccer Fan & An Alternate View on Life Elsewhere

Felicia Pennant is possibly the most exuberant guest we have ever had the pleasure of inviting onto Life Elsewhere. When you hear Felicia rave on about the sport that inspired her to start a magazine,...

Was John Oliver’s take down on the Newspaper Industry real journalism?

By Rob Lorei On Radioactivity Thursday, we looked at the latest rant by HBO comedian John Oliver on his show Last Week Tonight, this time aimed at the failing newspaper industry. Oliver insisted that what he...

What the TV viewing habits of Trump supporters can tell us about his appeal

BY Rob Lorei On Midpoint Wednesday we heard an interview with  Dr. Aaron Duncan from the Department of Communication Studies at University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Dr. Duncan recently penned an article that analysed a  study from Tivo on the...

Tampa Comic Con is still about the comics

The pageantry of the weird and the wonderful were in full regalia this weekend at the Tampa Bay Comic  Con. The event coordinators are anticipating nearly 60,000 attendees to pass through the halls of the...

MidPoint for Thursday, August 4 with Will Bunch & Brooke Hines

Will Bunch, the award-winning columnist for the Philadelphia Daily News, author of and the new book, “The Bern Identity,” was our guest for the first part of Thursday’s show. Bunch covered both the Republican...

True Blunders on Life Elsewhere

“Global warming is a total and a very expensive hoax!” This is only one of many tweets by GOP Presidential contender Mr. Trump on the subject of climate change. But that brash declaration caught the attention...

Lakeland Ledger newsroom may form union

A Florida newsroom appears close to forming a union; reporters at The Ledger of Lakeland will vote soon on whether to unionize to help stem the tide of layoffs. This may be the first newsroom to...
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New film sheds light on voter suppression in 2016 primary elections

By Rob Lorei On Radioactivity Wednesday we spoke with   investigative reporter Greg Palast about his upcoming film on voter suppression. Palast broke the story of how African Americans with similar names to ex felons were...

Fact, Fiction & Ab Fab! (on Life Elsewhere)

Nothing had worked. Not threats or negotiations, not shutting down the betting parlors or opium dens, not house-to-house searches or throwing Chinese offenders into prison. Not even executing them. New York’s District Attorney was running...
Author Craig Pittman

How Florida’s Weird History Influences the Rest of the Country

By Rob Lorei On Radioactivity Thursday, we looked at the weird and wonderful history of the Sunshine State.  Our guest Craig Pittman has written a new book titled Oh, Florida: How America’s Weirdest State Influences the Rest...
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