

MidPoint for Tuesday, April 19 – Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson

In a recent poll, Gary Johnson received 11 percent support for president, listed in a three-way race with Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The former New Mexico Governor (1994-2002) was the Libertarian candidate for President...

Women’s Show …Cuba and Immigration to the Forefront

Did you know how big of an economic contribution undocumented immigrants make to this country each year?- Let’s try $11.7 billion. In Florida alone its about $547 million. Their economic contributions are so great that...
St. Petersburg Conference on World Affairs

Experts in St. Pete say Syrian refugees won’t pose a threat

Legislation working its way through the Florida House would make it more difficult to accept refugees from wars in the Middle East. What’s known as the “Prevention of Acts of War” bill would authorize the...

MidPoint for Thursday, Feb.18 Florida Legislature takes on immigration

The Florida Legislature unveiled a series of measures to begin the 2016 regular session that angered immigration activists. Joining us to talk about those issues were Francesca Menes with the Florida Immigration Coalition, and Mark R. Schlakman,...

Women’s Show discusses birth, death and taxes… 1/28

Roe vs Wade was a hot topic on From a Woman’s POV    this week. The war on a woman’s right to choose continues. The Florida House Criminal Justice Subcommittee voted 8-3 on the “Florida...
pro-immigrant rally

Immigrants and allies speak out against Florida bill

Pro-immigrant groups held rallies across the state Wednesday as part of what’s called the “We Are Florida” campaign. Wednesday morning outside Tampa City Hall Nanci Palacios criticized what she says are anti-immigrant bills that have...

MidPoint for Thursday, January 7 – David Dayen

David Dayen is a contributing writer to and The Intercept, and a weekly columnist at The Fiscal Times. On today’s show, he discussed his recent piece in the New Republic where he takes issue with Atlantic...

Year in Review: Stories that had us talking in 2015

As the year 2015 comes to an end this week, we take time to review some of the top stories that had us talking this year. Gay marriage was legalized by the Supreme Court in...

Do Donald Trump’s policies flirt with the ideals of fascism?

By Rob Lorei Donald Trump is still leading the polls for the Republican presidential nomination, but those within his own party are beginning to call his platform “fascist”, a word that brings into mind the...

Florida This Week discusses political opposition to Syrian refugee resettlement.

BY Rob Lorei Today we listen back to the latest episode of Florida This Week, a political talk show moderated by Rob Lorei and broadcast by local PBS station WEDU. This week, the panel of...
Dezeray Lyn

Love Has No Borders – new Tampa group helps refugees

Amid the vitriolic rhetoric targeted at potential refugees coming to the U.S., a new group has just formed in Tampa Bay to help refugees get basic services and adjust to life in a new country....

Women’s Show on “Perilous Times – Paris and Beyond” 11/19

What perilous times…..   Paris is the epicenter of the world right now.  What to do – who and how are critical.  Just policies demand an understanding of people.  How much did our endeavors in...
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