
Global Warming

University of South Florida

Role of climate change & interactions in spread of diseases like Zika

The Zika virus isn’t the only pathogen spreading in Florida; the Tampa Bay Times reports a bacterial disease called Texas Phoenix Palm Decline is infecting trees including date palms and the Tampa area is the...
Hands Across the Sand opposition to drilling and fracking

Art project will be part of Hands Across the Sand

Environmentalists who support clean energy, oppose dirty fuels and say no to offshore drilling will join Hands Across the Sand this Saturday at beaches in Pinellas County and elsewhere. The guest on WMNF News’ MidPoint, , Lisa Hinton is...
Karl Nurse no fracking

St. Petersburg seeks ordinance to ban fracking

St. Petersburg City Council will soon consider an ordinance to ban the drilling technique known as fracking and the transportation or storage of fracking wastewater within the city limits; Council vice chair Darden Rice says...

An Angry Woman’s Heart – on From a Woman’s POV

 I am getting steamed – really, really steamed.  If I hear one more comment on “the women’s card…..”  Read Rebecca Solnit’s column, “If Donald Trump Were a Woman and Hillary Clinton Were a Man: Here’s...

Remembering Prince, An Illegal Hike & A Gothic Serial Killer Next On Life Elsewhere

The news came in, literally moments after we had made the final edits to the latest edition of Life Elsewhere…Prince was dead. Immediately we searched through all of our many music-biz contacts to come up...

An Illegal Hike Across The Heartland – Next on Life Elsewhere

Ken Ilgunas says his new book is about coming to terms with climate change and figuring out what our role as individuals should be in confronting something so big and so out of our hands....
Weeki Wachee River

Hernando residents can learn about climate change

In the coming decades Florida residents will face increasing disruptions from climate change: hotter temperatures, more storms, tropical diseases, fresh water shortages and rising seas; Hernando County residents can learn about how their community might...
Sabal Trail route

Environmentalist concerned about Sabal Trail pipeline in Florida

Two of Florida’s largest energy companies want to build a pipeline for natural gas through the center of the state – but environmentalists say it could negatively impact wetlands and the state’s aquifer. The Gulf...
Sierra Club executive director Michael Brune

St. Pete will work toward 100% clean energy

St. Petersburg is the first Florida city pledging to work toward 100% clean energy; Sharon Wright is the City of St. Petersburg’s sustainability coordinator and joined the Sierra Club Tuesday morning to officially launch the...

Code Pink – Saudi Arabia, BDS, Local Peace Economy…Women’s Show 3/17

Photo via Elaine Vigneault Feeling discouraged with all the negativity of the presidential campaign – and the state of our world today?  Give yourself a treat and spend a few minutes at Code Pink to...

Bernie Sanders brings his political revolution to Tampa

Senator Bernie Sanders draws nearly ten thousand people to Tampa rally. Yesterday evening, in an expo hall on the Florida Fairgrounds, the democratic presidential candidate Sanders brought his message to Florida voters. Bernie Sanders speech...

MidPoint for Friday, March 11 – Pinecrest Village Mayor Cindy Lerner & Think Progress report Alice Ollstein

Filling in for Janelle Irwin today, Mitch Perry hosted Pincrest Village Mayor Cindy Lerner and Think Progress reporter Alice Ollstein. Lerner was one of 21 Florida mayors who wrote to CNN last week, asking them...
Traffic Jam Monday
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