

Former US Supreme Court reporter pens new book on the Burger Court of the 1970s and 80s

BY Rob Lorei Our guest on Radioactivity Tuesday was  Linda Greenhouse, who  covered the US Supreme Court for the New York Times for almost 30 years. She’s just co-written a new book about the Burger Court—named...

Hillary Makes History and the ‘Presidentalization’ of Trump-From a Woman’s POV

Photo via Flickr     On Tuesday Hillary Clinton became the first female presidential nominee. Regardless of your political stance, you must admit that her nomination, almost 8 years after the first African- American male...

The “Presidentalization” of Donald Trump-From a Woman’s POV

Photo via DonkeyHotey   We can’t get away from the election, can we? What does “presidential” mean?  Donald Trump has said, “It’s no job to act presidential, I can be presidential any time I want”...

“Undue Burden” and Trump/Ryan Meeting on Women’s Show

“Undue Burden” – It is an awkward phrase, isn’t it? On Monday the Supreme Court kicked the “undue burden” back to the courts.  The balance in this case is the “under burden” on one’s religious...

An Angry Woman’s Heart – on From a Woman’s POV

 I am getting steamed – really, really steamed.  If I hear one more comment on “the women’s card…..”  Read Rebecca Solnit’s column, “If Donald Trump Were a Woman and Hillary Clinton Were a Man: Here’s...

Women’s Show on Women’s Health and Climate Change

Photo credit: Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center New York is the anti-fracking center of the U.S.  With the primary coming up, fracking and fossil fuels are  major issues.  When Eva Resnick- Day recently asked Hillary...
Kathy Castor

Tampa area Dems want Rubio and Senate to vote on SCOTUS nominee

Illinois Senator Mark Kirk is breaking with leaders of his Republican Party and meeting Tuesday with Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland. Most Republican leaders say they won’t hold hearings or vote on Garland but Kirk is...

President Obama Makes Supreme Court Nomination

President Obama announced his Supreme Court nominee, political moderate Merrick Garland. Merrick’s nomination came as a surprise to some, who assumed that Sri Srinivasan, also a judge for the D.C. federal court, would be the...

Florida Passes Anti-Abortion Bill -tune in for a discussion on From a Woman’s PoV

During last weeks show we discussed Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt, the Texas omnibus bill the Supreme Court is currently debating. Florida has followed in Texas’ footsteps and passed Senate Bill 1722, an anti-abortion bill...

Women’s Show discusses the real costs of Medicare for All…..and Title IX 2/25

What is the real cost of “Medicare for all?” Even with the Affordable Care Act, 33 million Americans are uninsured and another 15-55 million are underinsured.  Yet by far, American’s pay the highest  health costs per...

Libertarian Party Presidential Contender Live on Radioactivity

By Rob Lorei On Friday’s Radioactivity, Host Rob Lorei was joined by one of the top candidates for the Libertarian Party presidential nomination, Austin Peterson. The Libertarian party is one of the most successful third...
Antonin Scalia at Stetson

Law professor weighs in on SCOTUS vacancy after Scalia’s death

Arch-conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died Saturday and the balance of the Court could shift with his replacement; WMNF spoke with a constitutional law professor about how election year politics could influence what happens....
Midnight Soul
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